Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction – Specialization in Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies
Residential Program—This program must be completed with a majority of non-online credit hours.
Degree Requirements (90 cr.)
Major Requirements (36 cr.)
Focus (24)
The 24 credits in the focus are chosen in consultation with the student’s advisor and program advisory committee and must be taken with a clearly identifiable focus and consist of graduate level courses (or the equivalent) and may include courses outside the program specialization area.
Department Seminars (6 cr.)
Advanced Curriculum and Instruction seminars (600-700 level) offered.
Early Inquiry Experience and Inquiry Linkage in the Major (6 cr.)
- EDUC-J 605 Independent Research Experience in Curriculum and Instruction (3 cr.)
- EDUC-J 705 Seminar: Inquiry in Curriculum and Instruction (3 cr.)
Inquiry Requirements (9 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 521 Methodological Approaches to Educational Inquiry (3 cr.)
An additional minimum of six credits must be selected from those approved as Core Inquiry courses.
Minor Requirements (12 cr.)
The minor must have integrity in its own right and must complement the major. The minor field must demonstrate wholeness within itself and contribute to the student's overall doctoral program. Minors are normally formulated within a single program area. However, an interdisciplinary or individualized minor is also possible. Interdisciplinary or individualized minors require a written description of the minor's underlying theme along with a rationale for each course's contribution to that theme on the e-POS and a Request for Individualized Minor eDoc. This eDoc should be submitted and approved by the Graduate School Bloomington prior to enrolling in the minor courses.
Elective Requirements (6-18 cr.)
A minimum of 6 elective credits must be taken outside the major and the minor. An additional elective may be selected from within the major, the minor, inquiry, or any broad field of study.
Dissertation Requirements (15 cr.)
- EDUC-J 795 Dissertation Proposal Preparation (3 cr.)
- EDUC-J 799 Doctoral Thesis in Curriculum and Instruction (12 cr.)