M.S.Ed. in School Psychology
Residential Program—This program must be completed with a majority of non-online credit hours.
Degree Requirements (36 cr.)
School Psychology Core Courses Requirement (24 cr.)
- EDUC-P 650 Topical Seminar in Educational Psychology: Prevention, Assessment, and Intervention I (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 650 Topical Seminar in Educational Psychology: Prevention, Assessment, and Intervention II (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 656 Practicum in School Psychology (6 cr.)
- EDUC-P 670 Behavioral Analysis and Consultation for School Psychologists (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 680 Ethics And Law in School Psychology (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 681 Psychology of Cultural Diversity: Equity & Opportunity in Public Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 692 Seminar In Therapeutic Interventions with Children (3 cr.)
Foundation Courses Requirement (12 cr.)
Human Development (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 514 Life Span Development: Birth to Death (3 cr.)
Social Basis of Behavior (3 cr.)
- EDUC-G 656 Social Bases of Behavior (3 cr.)
Cognitive/Learning Basis of Behavior (3 cr.)
Select one course from the following
- EDUC-P 540 Learning and Cognition in Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 544 Applied Cognition and Learning Strategies (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 650 Topical Seminar in Educational Psychology: Affective and Cognitive Bases of Behavior (3 cr.)
Inquiry (3 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 502 Intermediate Statistics Applied to Education (3 cr.)