Ed.S. in Educational Leadership
Degree Requirements (60 cr.)
Major Requirements (30 cr.)
- EDUC-A 600 Problems in Educational Leadership (3 cr.)
- EDUC-A 615 Advanced School Law (3 cr.)
- EDUC-A 638 Public School Personnel Management (3 cr.)
- EDUC-A 639 Advanced School Districting Budget, Operations, and Facilities (3 cr.)
- EDUC-A 653 The Organizational Context of Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-A 671 Planning and Change in Educational Organizations (3 cr.)
- EDUC-A 675 Leadership in Special Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-A 677 Governance and Ethics (3 cr.)
- EDUC-A 682 Leading District Instructional Frameworks and Principal Supervision (3 cr.)
- EDUC-A 686 District and Community Relations (3 cr.)
*Please note that EDUC-A 720 can be substituted for one of the courses above with advisor’s approval.
Inquiry Requirements (6 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 520 Strategies for Educational Inquiry (3 cr.)
Select one course from the following:
- EDUC-Y 501 Quantitative Analysis for Educational Leaders (3 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 611 Qualitative Inquiry in Education
- EDUC-Y 535 Evaluation Models and Techniques (3 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 635 Methodology of Educational Evaluation (3 cr.)
Electives Requirements (9 cr.)
Course work must be relevant to your program and should be selected in consultation with the program advisor.
Cognate Requirements (9 cr.)
The cognate must have integrity in its own right and must complement the major. The cognate field must demonstrate wholeness within itself and contribute to the student's overall doctoral program.
Capstone and Practicum Requirements (6 cr.)
Select two courses for a total of 6 hours from the following:
- EDUC-A 754 Seminar in Research in Educational Leadership (3 cr.)
- EDUC-A 785 Internship in Educational Leadership (3 cr.)
- EDUC-A 795 Dissertation Proposal Preparation (3 cr.)