Ed.S. in Education – Literacy, Culture, and Language Education Track
Degree Requirements (65 cr.)
Required Course (3 cr.)
- EDUC-L 600 Issues in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (3 cr.)
Basic Courses Requirement (12 cr.)
Basic courses consist of inquiry and substantive core courses.
Inquiry (3 cr.)
Select one course from the approved Inquiry Course list (3 cr.)
Substantive Core (9 cr.)
Select 9 hours from:
- EDUC-A 600 Problems in Educational Leadership (3 cr.)
- EDUC-E 535 Elementary School Curriculum (3 cr.)
- EDUC-E 695 Current Issues and Problems in Elementary Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-H 504 History of American Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-H 536 Problems IN Philosophy of Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-H 600 Concepts and Arguments in Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-H 631 Social and Political Philosophy and Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-H 638 Aesthetics and Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-J 630 Curriculum Theory and Practice (3 cr.)
- EDUC-J 636 Educational Futures/Curriculum (3 cr.)
- EDUC-J 637 Curriculum Development Processes (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 514 Life Span Development: Birth to Death (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 515 Child Development (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 516 Adolescent Development (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 540 Learning and Cognition in Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 550 Psychology in Teaching (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 560 Classroom Communication (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 623 Child Development (3 cr.)
- EDUC-P 625 Family Processes and Child/Adolescent Development (3 cr.)
- EDUC-S 503 Secondary School Curriculum (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 623 Psychology of Language (3 cr.)
Major Field Requirements (24 cr.)
Courses chosen from Literacy, Culture, and Language Education offerings, with faculty advisor approval.
Elective Requirements (26 cr.)
Courses may be taken inside or outside the School of Education but must be approved by your faculty advisor.
Capstone Project or Comprehensive Examination
A substantial project or a comprehensive examination constitutes the culmination of the Ed.S. program.