Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction – Specialization in Mathematics Education (Online)
Degree Requirements (60 cr.)
Major Requirements (30 cr.)
Research in Mathematics Education (15-18 cr.)
- EDUC-N 730 Understanding and Using Assessments in Mathematics Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-N 731 Exploring Research Based Mathematics Curriculum (3 cr.)
- EDUC-N 732 Understanding Mathematics Learning to Inform Teaching (3 cr.)
- EDUC-N 733 Exploring Equity in Mathematics Education (3 cr.)
- EDUC-N 734 Technology in Mathematics Teaching and Learning (3 cr.)
- EDUC-N 735 Mathematics Teacher Education and Leadership (3 cr.)
- EDUC-N 736 Problem Solving in Mathematics Learning and Teaching (3 cr.)
Professional Seminar (6-9 cr.)
- EDUC-N 717 Contemporary Issues in Mathematic Education (6-9 cr.)
Linkage (6 cr.)
- EDUC-J 605 Independent Research Experience in Curriculum and Instruction (3 cr.)
- EDUC-J 705 Seminar: Inquiry in Curriculum and Instruction (3 cr.)
Inquiry Requirement (12 cr.)
A minimum of 12 credit hours of inquiry courses are taken. Students will take one overview of educational inquiry course, one introductory quantitative inquiry course, one introductory qualitative inquiry or evaluation course, and one advanced quantitative or qualitative inquiry course.
Overview of Educational Inquiry Course (3 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 520 Strategies for Educational Inquiry (3 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 521 Methodological Approaches to Educational Inquiry (3 cr.)
Introductory Quantitative Inquiry Course (3 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 501 Quantitative Analysis for Educational Leaders (3 cr.)
Introductory Qualitative inquiry or Evaluation course (3 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 510 Action Research I
- EDUC-Y 534 Program Evaluation for Education Practitioners (3 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 608
Advanced Quantitative or Qualitative Inquiry Course (3 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 601 Statistical Design of Educational Research for Practitioners (3 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 602 Multivariate Analysis for Educational Practitioners (3 cr.)
- EDUC-Y 609 Qualitative Inquiry in Education for Practitioners (3 cr.)
Elective Requirements (9 cr.)
A minimum of 9 elective credits must be taken outside the major. The faculty recommends focusing electives in an area of interest so that students can develop their knowledge in a key area that will support their professional growth. Examples of focus include coaching and professional leadership, adult education, student learning and assessment, teacher education, and instructional technology, along with other content areas within education like science education, art education, or literacy education.
Dissertation Requirements (9 cr.)
- EDUC-J 795 Dissertation Proposal Preparation (3 cr.)
- EDUC-J 799 Doctoral Thesis in Curriculum and Instruction (6 cr.)
Master's Degree Used For Admission
For the 60-credit hour program, a master's degree is a prerequisite for admission. Master's coursework may not be counted toward the 60 required credit hours, but graduate coursework beyond the master's degree may be, as long as it meets requirements and is approved by the committee.